Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Review of Interactive Piece

I was chosen to review Fred's piece.
For those who missed it, Fred brought in an interactive piece which involved the use of objects that he has interacted with himself within the past month. The objects lie inside a box which had 2 holes on either adjacent ends with which we would place our hands and feel around to identify as best we could the objects.
I found it to fairly hillarious. I've played a similiar object orientation game in elementary school so it was reminiscent of this action. As far as the interaction it was a GLORIOUS experience albeit simple. However I am not quite sure of Fred's intended interaction with the user (as in what these objects meant this month in the grander scheme of things). I do enjoy how there were two holes however. It allows for a better 3-Dimensional understanding of the objects with two hands are involved; this is because of our spatial comprehension when two hands are used as modifiers for distance and touch.

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